Press Page
Kathy also collaborates with an Integrative Medicine Nutritionist and a Cancer Exercise Specialist in NYC
on developing customized workshops geared toward the participants interests and needs.
For more information about professional engagements, email Kathy directly at
The Balancing Act

CURE Magazine

The New York Times

New York Post

Women and Cancer Magazine
PEG’S Group founder, Kathy Gurland, was asked to write an article providing cancer navigating guidelines to the newly diagnosed by Women & Cancer Magazine., “A Survivor’s Compass” was illustrated and published in the Winter issue featuring Donna Karan on the cover. Click here to download a PDF of this article.

Kathy is also the author of a new column in Women & Cancer Magazine entitled By Your Side.
The column addresses psychosocial concerns of people coping with cancer. The inaugural article, "Meet Your Social Worker", appears in the "Cancer Tips" segment of and was published in the summer 2010 issue. Click here to read the pdf version of that article.
Additional articles written by Kathy published in Women Magazine:
A Survivor's Compass Insights Into Hospice
Meet Your Social Worker The Hospital Visit
Do It Your Way Stepping Up to the Plate
What's in Your Wallet?
Kathy's article, “A Survivor’s Compass,” was included in the Cancer Tips section of the well known comprehensive web site
A widely featured and popularly read local New York blog, DUMBO NYC, interviewed Kathy Gurland (read Part I and Part II here) when she launched PEG’S Group. This blog reports all local area developments, cultural events, movie shoots, festivals, etc., and promotes new small businesses that set up shop in this cutting edge neighborhood set between the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges (DUMBO stands for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass).

Kathy was invited by the National Association of Social Workers to be a panel expert in Los Angeles speaking before a group of screen writers at an event organized by the Writer's Guild.
Social workers speak to Hollywood.
Kathy was also invited to be on a four-member panel at an Entertainment Industries Council Inc. briefing on Women’s Health at CBS Television City.
Screenwriter portrayal of women.
Social worker team pitches womens health in Hollywood.
Urban Zen Food Solutions Workshops